Thursday, 3 April 2014

April 2014 - getting busy!

Wednesday 2nd April 2014
Loads happening with the propogators - got some cabbages and leeks going (planted leeks last weeks and they're beginning to show).  All tomato plants are now individually potted (apart from a San Maranzo 2 that's has shacked up with another on - will need pricking out when I get a minute).   Have got to get down to the allotment this weekend and get the spud patch done and a load of other jobs.

Saturday 5th April 2014
Should be down the lotty but Janette's brother has gone into hospital so all bets are off.  Did a load of potting at home.  Got some border plants in.  Top dressed fish,blood and bone on the borders and in some of the containers.   Need to be getting me spuds in!!!

Thursday 10th April 2014
Nothing for it - had to get up early and get everything done then down to the lotty.  There for a bit before 7am but got a row of first-earlies in a little bit late!  Also good to see that the onions and garlic are coming along and the Autumn-bearing Raspberries are making an appearance.  Am hoping to get down there again tonight to get another row in.

Autumn bearing raspberries making an appearance

Row of first earlies - rocket variety

Garlic, onions and japanese onions all starting to get busy
Went back down after work and got a row of Red Duke of Yorks in - another first early.  I'm going to have loads of potatos more than needed - will have to get rid of some to me mum and dad I reckon!  Dug the  green manure in as well - wont do any of that rubbish again - proper muck or nothing next time.
Green manure dug in and a second row of spuds down.

Tuesday 15th April 2014
After the Marathon weekend I was going to go down and get two more rows of spuds done but had enough jobs to do at home.  So have moved things around a bit - potted cabbages and leeks (probably not the right thing to do with them but what the hell - all learning curve).  Have put pumpkins and leeks in the coldframe for time being to make more space in the mini-Greenhouse.

Easter Monday 21st April 2014
Bean row set up at back of the legumes section! A few poles short.

Another two rows of spud gone in - will need to have a look as have forgotten varieties

30th April 2014
Nipped down before work to get a bag of seed compost out of the shed.  Spuds are making an appearance as are weeds by the hundred.  Bloody things.

First row - needs earthing up a bit. 

Second row - got some different spuds mixed in. 

Mega weeding session required

Jobs to do -
  • Mega weeding session required.
  • Need to put a short section of hose on the IBC - got one done - just needs taking down.  
  • Need to get an overflow sorted on IBC as well at some point. 
  • Might get a load of plug plants from home bargains as the caulis and leeks in my cold frame look rubbish.
  • Need to get slabs down to lotty before Phil goes - 3 x 2s are a bit heavy to say least!