Wednesday 2nd October 2014
Nipped up with missus got beans, sweetcorn, raspberries in the dark!!
Sunday 5th October 2014
Did a couple of rushed hours on lotty before going to Paula and Darren's for a cuppa then off to Darley Dale. Did some more weeding and got a row of spinach planted as requested by her indoors.
The second phase broccoli is coming on - not sure whether that needs getting before the frost has it?
Tuesday 7th October 2014
Got some snowball onions to get in quick from Wilco at lunchtime £2
Sunday 12th October 2014
Did a little bit on the lotty, got some broccoli, got some raspberries. Got the IBC ready for winter. All good stuff.
Sunday 19th October 2014
Down lotty for a short while in afternoon after much decorating. Got raspberries, pulled up peas and secondary bean row. Bosskat pulled up the funny yellow courgette. Took three bags of cak to the recycling centre. Still not made me composting thang up yet!
Friday 31st October 2014
Been to lotty for first time in a fortnight (decorating!!) - weeds everywhere - seem to be the theme of allotments - little and often is the watchword I need to start getting into the habit of!