Monday, 9 November 2015

November 2015 - the dark season.

Sunday 8th November 2015
After driving back up from Birmingham after the Slimming World Woman of the Year competition.  Got me garlic in,  weeded bed number two, weeded bed number one and covered it up. Brought home a load of spuds, onions, a butternut squash that had been hiding, a cabbage, some sweet corn. Also got started on getting me paths in.  Put down some weed cover material, slabs and wood bark that have had on the plot for months and months (and months)  All good stuff.   Will have to put some time in next week as well. 

Bed 1 weeded and covered up for Winter. 

Weeded bed that's got winter Brassicas in it. 

Got me garlic in, onions coming on nicely. 

Saturday 14th November 2015
Nipped down lotty, took five slabs, took rubbish off the plot.  Missus got a load of cabbages and stuff, found the garlic that had gone missing the previous week!   All good stuff.  Didn't stop too long.

Sunday 22nd November 2015
Borrowed Phil's van, fetched the non-finished water butt back home.  Drilled a hole for the tap and a hole for overflow pipe.  Got it back down and connected to the other one and water going in it already.  So pleased with that.  Got both bean rows taken down - the missus says to leave the bean plants on the ground cause that's what Monty Don does?  Got some more of the daffodils and tulips planted so pleased with that. Got the 8foot canes put away in the slightly longer than it should be shed 7 - am going to have to do some more tool hooks though as the canes are just covering the tools!  I know there's some spare hooks in Missus' shed at home.

Monday, 5 October 2015

October 2015 - still harvesting.

Sat 3rd October
A couple of hours weeding and what have you - brought back a cabbage, some runner beans and a pumpkin

Sunday 4th October 2015
After lunch at the Cross we popped down in the glorious sunshine.   Strimmed, mowed, bit of weeding - harvested butternut squashes, cabbages, potatoes, last (again) of the raspberries.  All good. Still need to finish off the second water butt on number 7 at some point but suppose it's not a mad rush job for now - can wait until Winter - first waterbutt is filling nicely

Sunday 11th October 2015
Down at lotty early doors for an hour.  Took 8 slabs up to 13, two bags of rubbish to tip and 3 pumpkins and a butternut squash back home!  Later on came back with missus and pulled all spuds out of the ground (that I could find) and also did 3 bags of weeding and removing pumpkin foliage while we were there.

Pumpkins in the back of the motor.

In the greenhouse to finish off ripening

Monday, 7 September 2015

September 2015 - Still harvesting...

Saturday 4th September 2015
Me and the boss went for an hour or two in the glorious sunshine (rained first thing but better in the afternoon).  Pulled loads of spuds out.  Some rotten which apparently I was supposed to find out why - I just though it was due to the masses of rain we've had.  Anyway, am not bothered have plenty left to come out yet.  Found out one of our neighbouring allotment holders, Jane,  at the top is also a neighbour in Clifton, which was nice!

Sunday 5th Sepember 2015
Got there at 8.15am, wasn't first on site either. Another beautiful day stopped until about 4pm.  Again harvesting spuds onplot 7, god knows when I'll have time to pick em up.  Also pulled all the garlic up and put boards un butternut squashes that the missus  found and checked enormous pumpkins still doing okay.

Monday 7th September 2015
Lucy training at 6pm so didn't get down to Lotty until 8pm and it was going dark.  So picked up all the spuds, put em on trays and into the shed to dry for a day or too.
Spud city

Friday September 11th to Sunday September 13th September 2015
Friday went to lotty about 7:15am moved some beetroot, put in a row of broccoli near the Brussels.   Went to that Wales.

After driving back from that Wales I got the other brassicas in  - two more rows of  cabbages (these wnet into number 7 though rather than 13 like the other beggars.  I think these were called Winter Tundra and January King. Helped bosskat get about a ton of runner beans give or take.  Pumpkins are coming on something grand as well - got some humongous ones. Should also mention the butternut squashes that are coming on a treat too!

Sunday 20th September 2015
Did a couple of hours in the morning.  Cycled down, clear the pea row on plot 13.    Took a barrow full of rubbish down to the tip (apparently you're not supposed to do that but as no-one has taken me to task about it yet I think its tolerated).  Came back in the afternoon and mowed round the plots, got a load of beans and cabbages and stuff - all good stuff.

Monday, 24 August 2015

August 2014 - Harvest time

August 2014
This August we will  mainly be harvesting.  Raspberries by the bucket, Strawberries by the wheel barrow, cabbages, broccoli, spuds, runner beans, broad beans, french beans.

Pic from July but you know what I mean:

Spuds 23/08/2015
This was from just one plant.

Wednesday 26th August 2015
Went down lotty.  Got runner beans, french beans, broad beans and rapsberries.  Did a bit of weeding too.  Plant I had in greenhouse for yonks is officially identifited as a Foxglove!!

Friday 28th August 2015
Mowed (again), weeded, three bags of weeds done and taken to tip.

Saturday 29th August 2015
Shelf brackets put up in Shed 7 but wood for shelf not ideal so will get some more dug back at home, Got one of the big barrels finished off with a bit of assistance from Phil.

Got cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower plug plants from Wyaston Nurseries, need to get them buggers into ground quickly.

Need to a bit of jiggery pokery moving the catches for the door on the butt-side so it's easy to clip back but think overall these two will work nicely.   Be interesting to see how much it's filled up with the rain over this bank holiday weekend.

Sunday 30th August 2015
Tidied greenhouse up a bit at home.  Found a good bit of wood for shelf and got that cut to size.

Monday 31st August 2015
Cripes almost September and it's chucking it down with rain and has since the small hours so not going to get much done today.  That said I  got some lime put down on thirteen for the brassicas purchased on Saturday. Put a shelf on right hand side of  shed 7 and also moved the latch so that I can fasten the door back and still have ruddy enormous watter barrels - am thinking of coating them with black bin liner to both warm the water and stop possibility of algae build-up at some point.   Brought a load of runner beans and some spuds that had been drying out in shed home so that should have got me into some good books, you'd think!

Big old barrels for water - door latch raised to accommodate

New shelf on right - a bit more storagability!!

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

July 2015 - too busy to post

July 2015
It's 28th July and I haven't posted for ages.  Been taking strawberries, peas, raspberries, broccoli, beet root and raddishes at a rate of knots.   Weeding and watering aplenty although these last few days we've had quite a bit of rain so water butts are being replenished and I'm not having to do any watering (which is nice).

At start of month I dug round the shed and put chicken wire down all round it.  Also got the guttering done which I've since moved to the other side so that there's more of a gap between my shed and number 9's.

Have got cracking with waterbutt on Shed 7 - Phil got two 220 litre drums from somewhere so am going to use 1 as the shed itself is not too deep - I might put one of those 100 litre jobbies next to it as an overflow, we'll see.

Lots of harvesting and weeding going on this month.

Goosegogs, raspberries, strawbs, beetroot, cabbage, the works!

Friday, 5 June 2015

June 2015 - A Second Allotment Plot

Come in number 7, Your time is up!

Have got another plot - number 7.   It's been left in a bit of a state by the previous owner(s) but it's not too bad and I'll have it in reasonable shape in due course.  There's two plots in between our first plot number 13 and the new one (you can see our shed and IBC in background of one of the pictures).

My thinking is that I can put anything that takes a bit of room up, such as pumpkins or butternut squash into this one.  I'm going to fence it after learning the hard way last year so that will be one of the first jobs.  Am also going to get some things in the ground to be starting as a priority too as we're a good month or two behind schedule really in planting but can't be helped.

It's got some potatoes in it already and possibly some sweetcorn - it's also littered with plant labels that make no sense and old nails and charcoal.  Charli at work has told me that charcoal isn't a bad thing so probably not such a big deal.

This was it on 22nd May
This was it on 31st May after 2.5 bags of weeding done. 
3rd June - more weeding and two rows of potatoes in - well late but you gotta try!!
Two rows of spuds - sort of continued a line from some that were already in. Scope for another couple of rows too. 

9:40pm 4th June- half of fence perimeter dug out for rabbit proof fence - 2 mini rows using up last of broad bean seeds.

Also started off some climbing french beans (Blue Lake) and more runner beans (Scarlet Emporer) to go in the top of the plot once have got all the weeds at the top cleared.  

Started the fencing project off on 4th June at about 8:15pm and had half of the digging done by about 9:30.  Much quicker when you've already done one fence.  Have got to decide where gate is going to go - am debating having two gates one at top and one at bottom but that might be a bit over-indulgent!

I noticed one of our neighbours (Bernie) has put two pumpkins out on mounds so I might put a couple of ours out soon as I've got it fenced.

Weekend of Saturday 6th June
Tons of digging and fence stakes being hammered into the ground. Bean row went up on plot 13. Watered everything to within an inch of drowning.  In fairness everything is coming along great guns.

Bean row all sorted  - some peas going to go on other side of bean row.

Ready to hang mesh - one patch left to weed and then it's ready

Don't know what this is! - a flowering onion that wants pulling is what it is!!

Monday 8th June 2015
Went after work - put the peas that have been in the greenhouse for too long into the same bed as the one with the runner beans.  Did a ton of weeding on plot 7.  Put a short row of turnips in that will need some serious thinning doing.  Watered everything to within an inch again!
Plot 7 all but weeded one more night should do!

Second mini row of peas gone in. 

Tuesday 9th June 2015
After work went up.  More weeding, moving slabs to accommodate two old wooden chairs the missus acquired.  Tomorrow am getting a bit of help to hang a fence on the posts and then after that away we go!  Took the butternut squashes and solo pumpkin out of the big raised bed thing on plot 13 as they didn't seem to be doing very well - the roots really hadn't took hold so have put them in mounds on plot 7 with plenty of muck under them and we'll see how they do.  Ton of watering done as usual.

Weeding is not pretty much done. Big mole hills near top are for pumpkins/butternut squash

The bit of wood sitting on top of the two poles should be just right to brace for gate post.

Two chairs for a moments respite!

Wednesday 11th June 2015
Had dentist appointment so back home a bit earlier than normal.  So after tea and dog walk was down the lotty about 6:30.  Waiting on Ben to come and give me a hand with hanging the fence so got everything watered early doors.  Then got the fence up.  Have banged an extra post in to allow for a future gate at the bottom of the plot if I want one.  Missus thinks it's a bit self-indulgent I reckon.
Make a note - might be a gate there one day!

Thursday 11th June 2015
Sent missus to get some plug plants so we can make up for lost time.  Got to plot about 8pm and in two hours managed to get about 20 odd brassicas in, after digging over, fertilising, putting a bit of lime on - even got it netted up using the big one I made from fastening two of the 99p shop nets together!!

Also watered everything throughout on both plots and did a bit more weeding!  All good stuff - am out tomorrow night so not much going to be happening now until Sunday.

mini brassicas patch also put a pumpkin and a butternut squash in from home 

Bosskat got  me carrots, leeks, celeriac and even some marigolds as they will ward off carrotfly apparently.  Have also got to get the bean row in.  Have some left over runner beans from Wyaston and some french beans, have some I've grown from seed too in the green house so hopefully get that lot done on Sunday.

Weekend of Saturday 13rd June 2015
Still playing catchup!  Weather not helping.  Chucked it down all day Saturday so took the opportunity to get all the weeds took down to the tip and on the return journey picked up loads of blocks that someone keeps leaving in the free stuff area.

Nothing that can't be sorted with bailing twine

Have got 6 mega heavy  blocks and two regular breeze blocks to use for putting water butts or something on.  We'll see.   Anyway, on Saturday I also got all the stuff for bean row in place - two bags of manure, poles (which have had it really but such is life - might cut 6" off the top off em and see if that improves things next year).

On the Sunday I got cracking early doors, first on site - hammered the poles in as far as poss bearing in mind they're knackered, dug out a trench in between and lined with newspaper and then threw in some manure.   Got canes up, got 14 plants in before ran out of canes - will get some more from somewhere.  Got celeriac into a spot and then started on a million little carrots - I didn't know you could do carrots as plug plants but apparently you can.   Put another butternut squash in the ground and put what my mum says is a foxglove into one of the corners.  Did a bit of weeding but as we've had so much rain I thought it wouldn't be worth watering either plot apart from the new stuff that's gone in.

Last but not least Phil give me a hand to get an acquired she onto the site - it's a quite bizarre 8.5ft x 3ft with double doors at the front and flowers painted on the side.   Think nephew Ben is going to give me a hand again to get the bugger up.

Monday 15th June 2015
Up the lotty after work.  Top nephew Ben comes up with his toolkit.  An hour later the reclaimed shed is up - well pleased. Have used the industrial weight blocks and 2 breeze blocks for the base to level it and raise it off the ground.  - bloomin marvellous - just need to hope it doesn't cause any grief with the committee.

Not only that but he's gone and done me a proper gate as well - cooking with gas now!

Think if it had a couple of optics and some beer I could make a go of the Weeder's Arms Public Shed

Not exactly standard colours - paintbrush beckons

Tuesday 16th June 2015
On way to work I popped in and measured for internal shelves at each end of the new shed. 32" - it's dinky but it's going to be ace too!!

Had to leave work at 5.10 in order to get to a meeting about putting a Gypsy site next to the allotments.  Needless to say it was railroaded through and rubberstamped by Derbyshire Dales so we got up and stomped out after an hour and a half of bull$hit.

After a bite to eat was back at the lotty.  Did a load of watering and also painted a little bit of the new shed after the tin fell to bits and spread paint everywhere.   I managed to save some in a plastic tub and made a start on painting the shed so at least the committee know it's not staying blue with flowers on it forever!!!  The missus came down and had a sit in it  - can tell she's impressed with the view.   Am thinking of having a bit of a overhangy bit over the doors so you can sit in there if it rains with no danger of getting wet.

Thursday 18th June 2015
Went up to plot after walking the dog and tea.  Got the overalls and wellies on - sweating cobs but strimmed and mowed the grassy areas then set about painting the new shed.  I couldn't get Old English Green - nowhere seems to stock it so got Wild Thyme which looked similiar but is actually quite a bit lighter.  Am not too worried, our shed is not the lightest on the allotments by a long chalk so should be okay.  Have left a little bit bottom right corner for the missus to do and also because there were a load of little spiders on it.  Have got a lot of time for fly-munching spiders, a lot of time indeed.  After that I watered everything and got off home about 9.45pm.  Need to get on though we're almost at the shorted day.

In this picture it looks bluer than it actually is - it's more of a olive green.

Saturday 20th June 2015
 Lotty - first trip took some bits and measured up for shelves in Plot 7 Shed. Next trip to lotty I took some shelves that I'd cut to size and fitted them with a bit of help from Phil's impact driver.   Also banged up the guttering and fixed the downpipe on the butt on plot number 13 to boot.   All going grand.

Shelving up and have some brackets for t'other side too!

Sunday 21st June 2015
Tidying, planting (leeks and spring onions in plot 7), (spring onions and carrots in plot 13).   Finished off bean row on  plot 7. Brought ma and pa for a tour of the lotty on the way back from the ketch.  Did a bit more weeding while I was there and also put some string up to get the sweet peas on plot 7 going (the ojnes on plot 13 are doing better already.

Shed painted, bean row finished off. 

Monday 22nd June 2015
It rained today - ace!  Save me a job. Went to an emergency planning meeting about the gypsy site at the town hall - got there five minutes early and only just got a chair!!   It went really well I thought and I have high hopes that the Town Council will get the desirable result for Ashbourne people.  It finished in an hour and so went up lotty for a look round.  Netted the leeks and onions to keep the damned pigeons out.  Saw a hawk on the power lines - couldn't really get a picture of it which was a shame.

The beggar flew off before I could get a decent pic

Tuesday 23rd June 2015
Up to lotty after dog walk and tea.  Carried a couple of big posts up that am going to put in group to hold the shed down when we get big winds in Winter - have seen all sorts of stuff get blown over while we've been allotment-holders. Did a few jobs had been meaning to do - painted back of shed that I'd not got to. Banged a load of slug pellets down.  Watered everything.

Wednesday 24th June 2015
Cam up on bike a bit late after clearing space in the greenhouse.  So got there and did a half hour of weeding first and then watered throughout as usual,  Have seen partridges fly out of plot 7 on a number of occasion judging by the amount of birdmuck left behind it seems it's a regular thing.

Partridge muck I reckons

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

May 2015

Bank Holiday Monday 4th May 2015

Went up and did a load of stuff - got a net sorted out on one of the beds.

Got three rows of cabbages into that bed.  Got some beetroot plugs plants sowed (well bosskat did).  Got everything strimmed and mowed.  All good stuff.

Tuesday 5th May 2015
Walked to the lotty after tea.  Missus had taken dog, daughter and car to Osmaston for training.  Anyway, tidied my shed a bit, left the old plastic greenhouse down in the unwanted stuff area at the bottom of the plot and also tied things down a bit better as the wind was blowing a right old hoolie.

This net is a bit overkill for cabbages but am using it anyway.  I need to do something fastening it down. 
Pleased with things in general, so far have the strawberries, spuds, onions, cabbages, broccoli, raspberries and cauliflowers going. Have got brussell sprouts ready to go into same bed as the broccoli and cauliflowers.  Have got beans waiting for last chances of frost to go and second sowiing of peas in a gutter ready to go in a few weeks too.

Weekend of Sat 9th May
Got the following done:
Dwarf French beans in the ground.  Carrots planted (probably a bit late but have been umming and aahing over whether to bother as all my ground is pretty much manured).  Put three butternut squashes into the big raised bed thing.  Got the brussel sprouts widely spaces in the bed with broccoli and cauliflowers in it. Put a pumpkin down in one corner where the muck heap was.  Put another foot of radishes onto the little row near the peas.  Got all the spuds into the ground in various places!
Butternut Squashes in big raised bed thing sat on top of a lot of muck!

Dwarf runner beans in the last bed to be populated!  Covering them up at night for now. 

Cabbages, Cauliflowers, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Broad beans, beetroot, radishes and pea in this picture!

Onions are coming on well now.  
Rodent-proofed compost bin and two bags of muck, pile of soil to the left ready for earthing up duties!
Am debating  having a length of timber from the compost bin to the corner to hold soil back. 

Monday 11th May 2015 - before work nipped up to check french beans okay - frost protection not brilliant.  Popped up on bike after work - sorted frost protection - am going to leave it on during day while we've got this ruddy wind wrecking everything.

Tuesday 12th May 2015 - popped up before work - planted 7 more broad beans as this is the last month for planting them apparently.  Went to cover everything up after work as bosskat says there is going to be a frost.  There wasn't.   Good thing was that I've had a thought about the last bit.

Weekend of Sat 16th May 2015
Went up a few times,  Took slabs, put a few more brassicas in (probably a bit too many but read in a book that you can put plants in closer in raised beds - didn't understand the logic but I thought we'd give it a go).  Sunday,  put some more dwarf french beans in. Took some pots of herbs down, weeded the path ahead of inspection coming at end of month.  Mowed round our plot and round Bernie's.  Watered a bit but am aware that rain is coming soon so that should really help.  Spuds are beginning to poke their heads through which is good - am a long way behind other folks but can't be helped!

Celery in the corner, loads of herbs, more dwarf french beans at the back,. 

Monday 18th May 2015
Went down after work to put in the last dwarf french bean as I was one short on Sunday and then put a bit of fleece over em.  With another mini wigwam at home I've now got all the dwarf french beans out which I'm pleased about, I think.  I'm going to buy some runner beans in all being well when we get back from holiday in a week or two's time.

Been on holiday from 23rd to 30th May.  Got back and started on weeding the plot and also the new one I'm taking over!