Sunday 11th January 2015
Went down to the Allotment with the wee lad about 11am. Rerouted rainfall from top of shed so it now goes into the two 220 litre water butts at the side of the shed. Got a compost heap sorted at the bottom of the plot (away from where you'd sit outside the shed). Took the bean row down - am going to have to move it down the plot so you can get round the inside of the plot without having to straddle the fence every time like you did last year.
Saturday 24th January 2015
Got seed potatoes chitting away - got Swift, Home Guard and Casa Blanca as the first earlies and Maris Peer as second earlies - might need just a few more to finish off and have three good rows.
Sunday 25th January 2015
Shifted all the mini slabs off the area where the greenhouse is going moved, got the metre squared moved out. A step closer to having the greenhouse going.