July 2015
It's 28th July and I haven't posted for ages. Been taking strawberries, peas, raspberries, broccoli, beet root and raddishes at a rate of knots. Weeding and watering aplenty although these last few days we've had quite a bit of rain so water butts are being replenished and I'm not having to do any watering (which is nice).
At start of month I dug round the shed and put chicken wire down all round it. Also got the guttering done which I've since moved to the other side so that there's more of a gap between my shed and number 9's.
Have got cracking with waterbutt on Shed 7 - Phil got two 220 litre drums from somewhere so am going to use 1 as the shed itself is not too deep - I might put one of those 100 litre jobbies next to it as an overflow, we'll see.
Lots of harvesting and weeding going on this month.
Goosegogs, raspberries, strawbs, beetroot, cabbage, the works!