Moved the first two pumpkin plants into bigger plots - am going to have to research how you're supposed to grow these buggers as they're growing like magic beans at the minute - the rate of growth is scary! Put some leeks into a module and put them into one of the heated propogators. I potted some of the tomato San Marzano 2 tomato seedlings too and putt them into one of the unheated propogators (proper production line our bedroom window is much to the chagrin of the missus).
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San Marzano 2 Tomatos - proper wierd looking! |
22nd March 2014
Had planned to go down allotment for 9am to take bags of rubbish and do some jobs. However, I potted up some tomato plug plants and all the sweet peas that were planted way back in October (I think - might have been November). That somehow took ages but not to worry such is life. Whizzed down to lotty about 10.30 took five bags of weed to recycling centre. Also dig a bit of tidying up and got some lime down on the bit where the brassicas will be going in due course.
I set the heated propogator last week with tomatoes and all sorts of stuff - this is the one doing the best (arguably) - quite good stuff in just seven days in my view.
21st March 2014
Did a three mile run in the morning so popped round the allotment to see if the frost on the first day of spring had done anything to me garlic. Looked okay to me. No signs of life in the onions yet though. Not sure what's going on with them buggers but they better start looking lively soon!
19th March 2014
Had to nip to Aldi to get Pheasant and Quails for me dad (he's going upmarket it would appear!). While I was there I got some plug plants - tomatoes (6) and summer cabbages (15 in the pack probably enough for two rows). Also a week ago I got a mini-tomato green house from Poundstretcher for £12 to replace the two polythene mini-greenhouses that got wrecked by the wind. This one has the sort of heavy duty mesh that doesn't get bashed to bits as easy. In the heated propogator there are signs of life after five days with the pumpkins looking especially healthy!
19th March 2014
Just for reference the reason I dug out the bit of grass to make the potato area was so that I could get a four section layout so we can do four year rotation. When everything's done it should look something along the lines of the following:
16th March 2014
After running got down the lotty with the missus in tow. Which was good as while I was getting the graft done she got a row of Japanese onions in as well. I dug out a load of grass tat that was taking up space so now have four sections for four year crop rotation. Bit more work to do but it'll get done.
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Garlic coming along nicely. |
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New spuds area half dug out |
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A view of the spuds area from the posts to the cane arches |
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Row of japanese onions in - just leeks and carrots to go in. |
15th March 2014
Finally got the heated propogator going - tomatoes, sweet corn and pumpkin seeds gone in - will see how they get on in due course. The plan is to use the raised bed thing for the pumpkins ready for hallow'een later in the year. All good stuff!
12th March 2014
Went out running so thought would stop by the plot and give the garlic a bit of water as we've had three summer-like days on the trot.
10th March 2014
Got out of work a little bit early. Got to Allotment for about 5.20 and got a row of Sturon onions in. Still got half a rows worth left too. I know what you're thinking - straight as a dog's hind leg. All good stuff.
9th March 2014
The day after running the Grindleford Gallop got down to the Allotment about 9am. Few cars there already. Briefly saw neighbour on the left side and say the chap who's got the big clock in his shed, Bernie. A 21 handicapper at the golf club it turns out. Harry Seeds was also up to something with a hammer. Anyway the plan was to get the bean pit dug and it was achieved. I could do with some more manure really for it but am planning to bang some growmore across it. The layout is changing all the time. I really ought to get it all planned properly! There is a little bit of logic in putting the bean row here and that's that the area I'm putting it in has been covered in manure all winter so the soil in the pit is already well-fed plus the potato peelings going in the bottom of the pit should provide more feed as the season progresses - see, there is a plan of sorts!
Anyway I dug the raspberry canes that had gone past their alloted area and were in the way of this seasons bean row. Gave them to a neighbour a couple of plots down Jane's her name and she was more than happy to have them and she cycles to the allotment so must be a good sort!
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Digging the bean pit |
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Bean pit partially filled |
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A few daffs appearing amongst the mud |
1st March 2014
Marvellous day so got an hour or two on the lotty.
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Garlic coming up under my amazing cloche mullarky! |
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Used up the other garlics before it's too late - should have been in for Feb really. |
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Garlic shooting up after being under the cloche. |
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